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Survey Results #1:
Remote & Hybrid Work
This video discusses the stats around organizations' ongoing plans regarding remote & hybrid work. ​
Survey Results #2:
Digital Workspace Strategies
This video reveals survey results related to where organizations stand on developing and executing their DW strategies.
Survey Results #3:
Complexity & User Experience
This video discusses the impact that concerns about complexity and the user experience have had on DW adoption.
Survey Results #4:
Virtual Apps & Desktops
This video digs into how orgs are struggling with legacy virtual desktops & apps, and what they're adopting next.
Survey Results #5:
End User Experience & Security
This video discusses the stats around how orgs' focus on user experience has introduced some security concerns.
Survey Results #6:
BYOD - Cost & Security Concerns
This video reveals stats around the acceleration of BYOD and the impact on cost & security for endpoint management.
Survey Results #7:
Print Management in the DW
This video discusses the high percentage of orgs who view moving printing to the cloud a key part of their migration strategy.